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Workcations with Not the HR Lady

NEW Workcations Show

Ft Lauderdale Workcation
A Workcation with just our youngest three to the Ritz Carlton Ft. Lauderdale. Tara Furiani was doing a Keynote in Ft. Lauderdale, FL for a major hospitality organizations annual conference and Bonus Dad Justin had fun with the kids during the day!

Key West Workcation
Tara Furiani, joined by Justin Boggs spent an extra 2 days in Key West after facilitating a DEI Workshop for a major cruise line in Miami.

Southwest Workcation
A Southwest Airlines Workcation to Los Angeles over Fall Break with 3 of our kids & our niece and nephew! Tara was doing a Keynote session on her SAIL Leadership Methodology to a prominent University!

Six Flags Workcation
Tara Furiani and Justin Boggs brough their three boys along on a short trip to San Antonio where Tara was conducting a Leadership DEI Workshop for a local theme park. After, they went to the Six Flags Holiday Event!

NOLA Road Trip Workcation
Tara and family traveled in their SUV from Austin to NOLA, where Justin is from, for a Workshop for a majors sports teams leadership. Along they way they took advantage of the fantastic rest area at the Louisana Border and explored burbon street in a whole new way... with kids!

Texas Road Trip Workcation
On the Houston Workcation, along the way (not really, out of the way a bit), we took an extra day to stop at SeaWorld San Antonio, before Tara went to a DEI Board meeting in Houston.

Houston Workcation

Texas Road Trip Workcation

Vail Workcation
Tara Furiani and Justin Boggs enjoy fall in Vail during a Workcation to nearby Denver, where Tara was consulting with a major real estate organization on leadership development, hiring strategy and growth.

NYC Workcation with Mom
For this Workcation, Tara Furiani, took her Mom with her to NYC. Spending two extra days Tara took her Mom behind the scenes at The Lion King, as she was there to host a Leadership Workshop and Emcee an event for a major financial organization.

Gulf Coast Workcation
Tara and Justin take the whole family to his old stomping ground... the Gulf Coast of MS! From Oysters, to Mud Beaches to Family time on the Farm (Oh and Tara Furiani did a Leadership Keynote for a major casino, too)... it was an adventure!

Texas Road Trip Workcation

NASA Workcation

Dallas Workcation

Galveston Workcation

Summer Road Trip Workcation

Disneyland Anaheim Workcation

Orange County Workcation

Mexico Workcation

Los Angeles Workcation

Jamaica Workcation with Friends

Austin Staycation with Kids

Disney World Workcation with Kids

DC Workcation for MLK Day with Kids
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