Tara Furiani

Oct 21, 20232 min

Succession Planning: The Unmissable Priority for Every Leader, Every Year!

Alright, let's lay it out. If you're a leader and succession planning doesn't feature in your annual objectives, you're essentially setting up your team—and yourself—for long-term failure. This is not some abstract exercise. It's not only the board’s concern. If you're in a leadership role, it’s your concern.

It’s a Business Strategy, Not an Afterthought

Succession planning isn't about legacy preservation. It’s a business continuity strategy. Forget the ego, this is about institutional resilience. If you’re not weaving this into your operational blueprint, expect your structure to crumble when you least expect it.

Every Leader Is Accountable: Stop the Buck-Passing

This isn’t just for C-suite or Board Members; it's for anyone with direct reports. From team leads to VPs, if you're in charge of people, you're in charge of ensuring there's a Plan B, C, and D for your role and theirs.

Competencies Over Charisma: It’s Not a Popularity Contest

Don’t default to who you like or who makes you feel comfortable. What capabilities are required for each role? Emotional intelligence, resilience, specific technical skills—these are not optional add-ons. They’re the core criteria. Use assessments like Predictive Index, Myers-Briggs, or whatever behavioral tools you trust, to validate your choices.

Leadership Development: Your Playbook to a Resilient Team

Got a list of high-potentials? Great. What's your action plan for them? Development isn’t a footnote; it’s the main chapter. If you're not investing in tailored development plans, cross-functional experiences, and mentorship opportunities, then you're just assembling passengers on a ship with no captain.

Worst-Case Scenarios: Prepare, Don’t Fear

What happens if you lose key players in your team all at once? No, it’s not about freaking out; it's about laying down action steps today. Stress-test these scenarios and know your playbook inside and out. If you don’t have a playbook, you’re inviting chaos for dinner.

Communication: Clear Lines, No Mixed Signals

Transparency doesn’t mean sounding alarm bells. But keeping your team in the dark isn’t an option either. They’re not children; they can handle a well-structured, thought-out plan for future transitions. And they have a right to know their own growth paths.

Immediate Takeaways for Smart Leadership

  • Integrate, Don't Isolate: Succession planning must be an annual, integrated part of your business strategy.

  • Accountability Across Ranks: This isn’t a top-down directive; it’s an all-hands-on-deck requirement.

  • Depth Before Breadth: Thoroughness wins over generalizations. Details matter.

  • Dynamic Planning: Static plans are museum pieces. Keep updating.

  • Communication Counts: Share responsibly, but share.

Make succession planning everyone's business. The aim is not to make any leader irreplaceable, but to make every transition seamless and every team resilient. Put it at the top of your goals, right now. Your future organizational health will thank you for it.

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